01 de Julio, 2007
· videojuegos |
Carcasa "inteligente" para Xbox 360 |
 Como todos saben y los que no tambien se enteran antes de sufrir... el Xbox 360 para muchos ha sido fiasco, y todo debido a las llamadas luces de la muerte o luces rojas. El problema se deriva de un sobrecalentamiento de los componentes de la consola, y el uso excesivo contribuye mas a su defunción, y los usuarios no se dan cuentan que le dan el golpe final a la consola echando las largas birrias... Pero, hace unas horas el fabricante XCMLive, anunció su nueva carcasa inteligente para lo x360... y no es que ella evitara las luces rojas, o nos ayudara a pasar los juegos mucho menos... sino que nos advertira por medio de sus sensores y las "luces" la temperatura que esta dentro del sistema. Desde el azul (consola normal - fria), hasta el rojo lava (cuando la consola va a a morir por el calor).
Un buen invento para asi evitar sobrepasarse jugando y asi alargar un poco mas la corta y destinada vida de la blanquita.
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frexmaster a las 14:29 · 10 Comentarios
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Specialists claim that business loans aid a lot of people to live the way they want, just because they are able to feel free to buy necessary goods. Moreover, a lot of banks give college loan for all people.
I had got a desire to start my own commerce, but I did not earn enough amount of cash to do this. Thank goodness my mate advised to take the business loans. Hence I used the term loan and realized my old dream.
People deserve wealthy life and mortgage loans or just secured loan would make it much better. Because freedom relies on money state.
I opine that to receive the business loans from creditors you must have a great motivation. But, one time I've received a collateral loan, because I wanted to buy a house.
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Have no a lot of cash to buy some real estate? You not have to worry, because this is available to receive the credit loans to resolve such kind of problems. Thus take a short term loan to buy everything you need.
It is great that we are able to take the business loans and this opens up completely new chances.
Do not enough cash to buy a car? Do not worry, because this is possible to receive the business loans to work out such kind of problems. Thus take a credit loan to buy all you require.
Do not money to buy a building? You should not worry, just because that's achievable to receive the personal loans to resolve all the problems. Thence take a student loan to buy all you want.
That's cool that we can receive the loan and that opens new possibilities.
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Marc Stevens Lau Ospina
soy marc stevens joven que le gusta opinar y dar su punto de vista. estudio ingenieria en telecomunicaciones. el objetivo de este blog es informar y dar mi punto de vista sobre diversos temas y leer sus comentarios
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